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Barebacker Health Strategies

Guest manlover26

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Guest manlover26

Hey guys,

I'm interested in talking about different strategies we're using to stay healthy while still enjoying raw sex. What do you guys do? Serosort (only bbing with guys who are also positive or also negative)? Only top? Avoid taking loads? Lots of lube?

I'll start--If I bb I will only top. I also avoid group scenes b/c I don't want my cockhead cumming into contact with too many loads that I'm not sure of. I'm currently negative and get tested every 3 months.

What about you guys?

Guest OrigPillowchewer
Hey guys,

I'm interested in talking about different strategies we're using to stay healthy while still enjoying raw sex. What do you guys do? Serosort (only bbing with guys who are also positive or also negative)? Only top? Avoid taking loads? Lots of lube?

I'll start--If I bb I will only top. I also avoid group scenes b/c I don't want my cockhead cumming into contact with too many loads that I'm not sure of. I'm currently negative and get tested every 3 months.

What about you guys?

Interesting post! In London we have a big group meeting on 2 monday nights each month at a Kings Cross sex club,Playpit.These nights are only open to poz guys,& the average fuck per guy seems to be about 2 or 3 times what you normally get in a sex club! your strategy sound about right,except that I don't imagine the amount of lube is relevant once there is enough not to tear the ass you are fucking (which might bring some blood into the mix).Ironically the safest unsafe sex these days is probably restricting your partners to poz guys on treatment with undetectable viral loads & the unsafest would be going with the newly infected who don't yet know their status which unfortunately will include some guys with a recent negative test.But well done having a strategy & not letting your dick dictate strategy!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest assforyoujim

I only get fucked bareback. I actually like to take a poz guy who is on meds so his viral load in undectable. That is really the safest way to get fucked raw. With others there is a risk. Higest risk is withe guyw who never get tested but say they are neg, I don't touch them with a 10 foot pole

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