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  1. We 2 Leather men of the Tom of Finland era are looking for all those around us who also want to pnp
  2. just 2 versatile leather men on our farm always looking for others not afraid to drive to our farm and pnp with us in our leathers with plenty to share
  3. so if serious send us your pix at gmz@centurytel.net and we will do the same
  4. your pix get ours 3 leather men in our leathers on our farm off hwy 12 east past morton and would like another to possibly join us this weekend as we pnp email us at gmz@cemturytel.net
  5. two leather men off hwy 12 east toward White Pass looking for others like us
  6. If ever there are real versatile leather men in south western Washington that know where hey 12 east is we are about half way out off the 5 and look for others like us
  7. As a openly gay couple farming since 2003 we seldom find others like us around All are welcome to stop by and say hi there at our farm in Glenoma, WA
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