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Hard8Stud last won the day on March 25

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About Hard8Stud

  • Birthday 10/31/1955

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Fucking, Breeding Deep, Group Sex, 3-ways & 4-ways, Outdoor Sex (especially in full sunlight), Double Penetration, 69, Daisy Chains, Sandwiches & Fuck Trains (middle or top), Triple Penetration (yes, can be done), Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Marathon Sex, Making Amateur Porn, Bottom Fuck Training (breaking in first-time bottoms), Mutual j-o, Gay & Bisex Porn (especially outdoor groups); Nudism (living nude year-round), Skinny-dipping

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  1. I would, but I live about 1200 miles east of you in North Texas.
  2. Oh, fuck, yes!! I've said it elsewhere several times, and I say it when I can in most of my online profiles, that I must fuck them bareback and that I must cum deep inside every guy I fuck for at least the first time. No exceptions, or we don't fuck; but, most who hesitate need my cock so much that they relent. One guy 20 years younger than me and I met 8 times outdoors at a park; that's how I made him cum hands-tree every time but once when it was too warm. (We've both moved within the past few years; so, it's nearly impossible now to meet.) Another I have fucked several times I haven't been able to meet in almost 2 years; but, he just recently contacted me saying he missed how I filled him up deep and twice made him cum hands-free.
  3. Now that BB Forums' we programming has apparently finally been repaired and made functional again, this much-needed outlet can be used again!
  4. I'm nowhere near either of you, but I'm a versatile top who needs lots of variety. Without an automobile (not to mention lots of unnecessary stress from apartment management), I spend a lot of time & energy walking & taking public transportation to get things done including to & from work; also, it's been 5 years since I lived near a popular cruising park area where I used to fuck regularly. Otherwise, I would be making sure as many bottoms as possible have their needs met.
  5. The bottoms I've known who really enjoy gang bangs are insatiable for cock & cum, especially after a long, thick cock like mine has fucked them with a good prostate massage until cumming. The best gang bangs I've been part of were all impromptu at group parties rather than planned. For planned, it's hard enough to get enough guys to show up at the same time for co-ordinated serial fucking. The best one was when 7 of us rotated fucking a tall, lean, cock-hungry bottom who was so hot that we all got overheated by the 3rd time around. The others we rotated 3 times while one of us fed the bottom a cock while keeping him from getting fuck-pushed around the bed; starting with the 4th time around, we would fuck for about 5 minutes each trying to make the bottom cum hands free, which once took 5 of us rotating fucking 4 more times. When one of us succeeded in fucking him to cum, we usually spontaneously cheered and then would not let the winning top stop fucking until he bred the bottom deep.
  6. Looks like NathanialB and several others left the BB Forums and maybe BB itself while the Forums part of the site basically increasingly didn't work over the past few years; BB itself hasn't been easy to use since its "upgrade" several years ago. We recently lost 2 of the Forums' best contributors. But, checking in over the past couple months, the problems seem to have been fixed. The Forums help, but the old BB itself was easier to use to navigate, use, exchange messages, share pics, & meet guys than the current version. It would help if logging into BB still also logged one into BB Forums. But, I'm still a member of this any any other bareback-only site because I only fuck bareback and must breed guys deep the first time I fuck them. Belonging to such sites makes it a lot easier to meet other guys without wasting time making clear my need for only barebacking. Besides, every bareback site not only needs our support; but, the more you belong to, the better your chances of bareback hookups. Participating in BB Forums also increases your visibility. So, let try to use BB & BB Forums more and let others know about them. The more members BB has and the more people use BB Forums, the more chances increase of distances between us becoming closer.
  7. When I posted 2 1/2 days ago, everything worked like it should. But, whatever is going on with this Website is starting to fall apart again. Either some fundamental web-programming errors need to be fixed, or it may actually be time to re-design the whole BB Website. By the way, apparently only the Forums are misbehaving; even though the rest of the site is slower than it should be, at least all the other pages seem to load correctly.
  8. The nonfunctionality of the BB Forums lasted too long and is probably why swm05 left. I couldn't read, post, or contact Admin for almost 3 months. I decided to check back today and found that the BB Forums are apparently fully functional again! I logged into BB itself just fine but had to set a new password to log into the Forums, which should be returned to being part of the entire BB Website. (Shouldn't need to log in twice.) But, at least BB Forums is back to functioning correctly, so hopefully usage will improve again.
  9. Yeah, for me, it's almost as fucked up as before, which is very frustrating. The Forums landing page and most others have reverted; only when I select the link to a member's page does it look right. :| At least, somehow this time, I was able to find a way to post a reply, which I couldn't do several weeks ago. But, I see a lot of stuff that's supposed to be either hidden or cleanly legible, not spread out.
  10. OK, now this is curious: Everything still seems to load & function correctly. But, now each member's rank icon that appears by each of his posts is now tiny. ?!?
  11. It looks to me like someone is paying attention, probably because of the forum this topic is in. Now, at to me, everything looks almost fine including the Leaderboard page. I'm no longer getting double images & very curiously doubled usernames by each post; instead, the username is on the left where it belongs, but the image is now centered--perhaps the new intended location. If it's not BB Michael, then it would be good if he'd let us know what happened and who's repairing the site's pages' layout. In any case, it's much better now.
  12. Just out of curiosity, I went to the BB Forums Leaderboard; and, that page is still fucked up, at least from my phone.
  13. Well, today, it's not as good as yesterday, when looked normal for the first time in a long time, but not as bad as it has been. :/ Icons for those who post are doubled--literally feels like double vision--and the username appears twice, once normally and the other to the left & vertical. The reply box is only half as wide as the window when portrait but fills the screen the way it should when landscape. I think the problems go back to things we've tried to get fixed for years and the apparent lack of a Webmaster who regularly maintains the Website. I wonder how it will be tomorrow.
  14. I haven't had time for almost a week to check in, so I just now saw your new topic that affects everyone who accesses and uses BB Forums at all. I still must access BB & BB Forums only from my smartphone, and I've had similar problems when I check in for weeks--interestingly, today was the first time in quite awhile that hasn't happened to me on the Forums main page, so I wonder if your comment triggered a fix. I'm following notifications, and so far so good; but, I was beginning to think maybe it was just my phone, and it was getting very frustrating. I didn't so much have a drop-down menu, but the whole page wanted to load in tiny text on the left third of the window with useless icons on the right and intermittent links that often didn't work. On any page that did the same when I tried to read recent posts, I could not leave a reply or select a reaction emoticon. I'll explore a bit and see if the problem still exists.
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