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About CumInRaw1Anytime

  • Birthday 01/09/1957

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    Berlin, Germany
  • Interests
    longtime breeding with open-minded guy(s), addicted to but not mad for black or mid-oriental men, if you're hairy = gets higher attention ;=)

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  1. Good rimmers should be used to get an answer to their relaxing action. Those who are kinky enough would appreciate a good sounding cum fart so enjoy their good rim job anyway. Send the others back home for more intense training. edit:typo
  2. Thank you, Michael, for the kind wishes to us members for fine holiday times. Here are some back to you for the great work you're doing every day to keep all things running: I wish you a Merry Christmas, to recharge your batteries for the coming 2015, in which we again expect interesting new things. Stay healthy and always have enough time to enjoy quality times! Cordially, Jens
  3. At least for hours, lately I could save three loads till next evenings cleaning routine. When going to take the babies, I'm going to have them sheltered
  4. Just a reminder for all Folsom Europe visitors (Berlin, 2013): beneath some other events, I would like to remind you about the FolsomSpecials for bb enthusiasts: Friday, Sep 13 @ 10:00 p m Biohazardmen Folsom XXL special up to 500 guests fee: 12 € (about 16 $), free buffet, supervized wardrobe room application by email necessary Sunday, Sep 15 @ 5:00 p m admission till 7:00 p m Coffee & Cream 6th anniversary monster special up to 500 guests fee: 15 € (about 20 $), free buffet - reduced by 5 € by application to guest list by email (ends on Saturday noon) Please regard that I'm not organizing these events but feel free to contact me for email details for applications. Have fun in SinCity Barelin
  5. Hello guys, translation should be read as: For active or passive available bb Have Fun
  6. not yet in the 60s but looking straight forward to get the leading 6 digit ... and convinced that it's never the youth priveldge to show off body parts in public As mentioned by hungrysubbuk, we're in the game yet and as everybody doesn't read text really but studies pics with high energy, we've simply posted some of them. (You remember what I said about being shy??)
  7. I'm mostly online late evening (10 p m CEST), so I surely miss those ones who're in earlier - but due to my work, I'm not really able to get into chat on late afternoon times. Probably could be a good idea to announce it better that the chatroom is working well now (because a bunch of users were disappointed through a long downtime period).
  8. hum .. 'shy when online' sounds a bit strange, but I can imagine your fellings. It took me some time to solve this speechlessness when cruising in bars (really hot guys next to me got me frozen). So I began to start myself to begin conversation to stop this anxiety of an expected 'no, thanks, I'm not interested' result on a slightly 'educated' level till I felt sure enough to bring up soem sexual content ... and by the time, it worked well. Within a chatroom, I'm more direct than in real life (might be a result of a longtime experience over a bunch of years). SO I only can recommend a steady training on this issue, I'm sure you'll reach the goal of getting this shyness lost.
  9. Changes worked: really now, it looks much more perfect after reordering the page contents. Contrast of the upper part of the page is fine now, think that was only a background color and size matter. So hopefully there shouldn't come up further complaints about this issue
  10. Hello Michael, seems you have done lots of work for the mobile users here. As stated in the first post, I would like to have some better contrast in some issues as top of this page shows slight gray text with black background changing to a sort of dark brown when hovering around - changing the text to white could resolve this easily. Thanks for your energy to get us some nice times in a modern surrounding.
  11. up 4 quality fuck session(s) ^^

  12. smart fuckbuddy wantef :)

  13. Yes, still opened as usual - information given by recommendation of several Hamburg barebacking residents. Information on Frankfurt (Main) area can be given by private mail, feel free to ask me.
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