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cumster last won the day on October 3 2019

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  1. Looking to service loaded horny fuckers. Anything goes though loads go up my ass - always bb and kinky is a +++
  2. Submissive urinal for personal and public use. Take it any way, any time, any where. Fill me up from either end.
  3. Used to receive cumfilled condoms from two different guys: I miss using them to play with in my ass and turn my hole into a creamy wet mess. Offer up my spermhole as sloppy seconds to tops who like fucking their seed in them. Cumfilled condom make my dick rock-hard - my ass will take any you send, any way you want... frozen, injected, fucked deep, etc...
  4. 1 How old first time you were fucked? 13yo  2 Took your first load? 13yo 3.Most loads in one session? 62 loads in 3 days 4. How many guys have bred you? Who knows, over a 1000 5.Ever use condoms? I may have at some point 30 years ago 6. Ever turn away a top? Never, If bare. Always if protected
  5. Nothing makes me feel more complete than having a man* breed me, feeling his throbbing cock* pump his seed deep inside my ass: Effectively marking me with his DNA. * plurrial also applies here, cuz I'm a cumslut
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