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99037 last won the day on February 18 2018

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  1. While, you, like myself is HIV+ and Undetectable, there are plenty of other 'bugs' out there, Hep-C is the most frightening to mix with HIV. Now don't get me wrong, I too want to be a total cum pig and take every cock in a 500 mile radiun. and still get a few, but am still a bit picky who uses my asset. Just my 2cents....
  2. Will be there same time frame. Hit back, would love to have a load or seven from you two.
  3. Been taking cock BB for 7 yrs now and have to say no regrets, the man that pozed me was/is my hubby. we have been together for 9 yrs and still love each other, just love to share. Going to Disney for gaydays Anaheim, if you are heading there contact me here, will be checking emails... love cum planted deep...
  4. Been taking cock BB for 7 yrs now and have to say no regrets, the man that pozed me was/is my hubby. we have been together for 9 yrs and still love each other, just love to share. Going to Disney for gaydays Anaheim, if you are heading there contact me here, will be checking emails... love cum planted deep...
  5. I have been with my man for over eight years and still feel his cock pulse in me as much today as when we first started dating. even when we play with others, I can always feel the pulse, can't actually 'feel' the cum but you know it's being delivered..DEEP.
  6. I AM POZ, so is my partner, but wanting this is STUPID, STUPID can you hear me!!! if you end up with it well, whatever, I too LOVE BB but being dumb enough to seek out this bug is just plain ole DUMB! and since you are married, does your wife know about your desire to end her life early??? Yes, I live with this every day, but I would NEVER intentionally infect anyone, espically someone I claim to love, with this. I have often thought of suicide just to prevent that form happening. SO GO FUCK YOURSELF.
  7. YOU ARE AN IDIOT for wanting to get this goddamned virus, live with 3-7 pills a day for the rest of your life. never know when the shits are going to kick in and take a few days from you, even the common cold could lead to pneumonia and kill you even sooner. Hope you have good PRIVATE insurance, I don't want to have my taxes pay for YOUR STUPIDITY. Thanks a lot for making the gay community look even dumber than the average american thinks they are. F*cking IDIOT!!!
  8. I wasn't at a G-Hole but the situation was similar, he went inside me for just a few strokes, now I am taking meds daily for life... Just hope I die from something else sooner, have seen too many waste away. Hope the best for you. And get GOOD medical insurance, the Government will not take care of you.
  9. As a total bottom, I ALWAYS clean my partner after he dumps a nice hot load in my ass....YUMMY!!!
  10. Michael, I, as one of the obvious few, would like to commend you for putting up this site and offering many benifits for free, I am a leach, until I get satisfaction from a web site. I have not paid into your site yet, I am getting ready to do so, as I find that you are truely devouted to this site and I am sure you have spent many thousands of your personal dollars here. These whiners are looking for something for nothing, as I am looking for proof that I will get something for my hard earned dollar. you have earned my $$ I will be a supporting member soon. Again thanks for your hard work, Don't let a few assholes get you down. "BB always" J.
  11. My first reaction was, how do I kill myself so I do not do this to someone else, my life is worthless, I NEED TO DIE!!!. I was pozed by my BF of at that time 3 yrs, this was a total accident not in any way intentional. He had ben poz for over 2 yrs prior to that. I love him as much today as any other time, we are now in our 6th year together, will be together for ever as far as I'm concerned. Interesting thing, I had to start meds almost immediately, he only started meds a couple months ago. I would give anything to be rid of this monster. Some may say that I brought this on myself, but when you love someone, you do what your heart tells you, we were being safe, but the rubber broke.. not to be a sob story, just my story. J.
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