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  1. Its hit or miss. When I am traveling in some cities its fairly easy to get a hookup then there are others that everyone is rude and only looking for that "one".
  2. Its that way on most all the sites anymore.
  3. Quite a few times in the past. Its rare that they both cum at the same time. Oh you betcha I would do it again.. And again...
  4. any bareback guys up this way want to hookup ? Hosting here
  5. always willing to do a video here
  6. looking for bare buddys in the area. can host or travel
  7. Just another crackpot who has no personal life or friends off the internet. I get a few messages a week from clowns like that, just best to hit the delete key and not give them the attention they are seeking.
  8. going to be in dallas for a few days on the bike here shortly if your still looking
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