It's interesting, I read all these comments, and I really don't remember life with out being POZ. I happen to be a POZ bottom, but in my case sex was not how I became infected. I was only 17 when I was infected by a blood transfusion back in 1984 at Carswell AFB. Yes, you read that right, 'The Government' gave it to me. I post my status on all dating sites I use, and I try and tell everyone my status before we have sex, but I just don't know if I have ever passed the virus to another man. All I know is I have to stay in treatment, and keep my virus suppressed, so I don't infect any one. Every one has to accept responsibility for their own actions. My biggest mistake was I did not call my father for help when my car would not start, and I was stranded in Arlington TX. I tried to walk 20 miles to a bus stop in Dallas, but got hit by a car. The sad thing is, there is nothing fun about getting hit by a car. Most people were trying to have fun when they became infected.