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Everything posted by mixnzz

  1. only bb.......i love raw sex!
  2. i live to be fucked....i'll offer my pussy up to anyone
  3. the truth...after i found out, i became a true whore....and never looked back.....i love any guy doing me
  4. hey guys love to meet up
  5. try doublelist.com....works like craigs list
  6. only way for me...i'll never turn a top away
  7. i never say no....when i'm looking i'll take any cock
  8. i'm addicted to bb sex....love ANY guy seeding me
  9. age is no barrier to me...I love all cocks in me seeding my hole
  10. I only call it a pussy...its truly for fucking
  11. I love that open feeling....my pussy for any one to see and go in....and the cum just ozzing out...I know i'm a pig
  12. 4 years now...on meds and in great health. no health issues at all, and, taking ALL cocks raw!
  13. been taking raw loads for years...always came back neg. then one summer had the fuck flu....i new it took in me....got tested and YES!....I WAS KNOCKED UP ....no idea who it was...but THANK YOU....NOW A TRUE FAGGOT
  14. met a trucker at a truck stop...he was backed up to the wooded lot....went to the back of his trailer dropped my pants and he went rite into my cunt.....no talking at all just fucked and seeded me then he just left.....leaving me smiling and his load running down my legs
  15. when I'm getting fucked....I'm helpless...i'd be getting his load!
  16. you'll love it!!......and want it more and more
  17. it can be hit or miss...but gotta say the hits have been great....always been seed real good by total strangers
  18. for me it was 5...all seeded me ...my pussylips were so swollen and pink.....and sore for the next few days
  19. I was a paper boy in Philadelphia.....one of my customers started fucking me at 16...LOVE IT!!
  20. older bb bottom here....and LOVING every load I can get
  21. when it cums to bbc....i'm totally theirs
  22. for me...becoming poz was like getting pregnant......never knowing whos load was going to fertilize my cunt
  23. the deeper the top is in my hole....the longer i can keep it.....my times absorbing it
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