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  1. Better you contact Paul Morris of Treasure Island Media. They have many POZ guys waiting to fuck you BB.
  2. I think if you're into anon cum dumped in your ass, better not to check what he looks like. When I go to saunas and check the dark rooms, if I see some guys are old and chubby, I will lose interest. But if it's totally dark, and you can't see others, just fuck and cum then go, it's freaky hot!
  3. I just topped my undetectable POZ buddy bareback last Friday night. Love the feeling. That's my 40th Birthday night. We hanged out and had some drinks then back to his place. He asked me to put on condom. But I insisted to fuck him bareback. I have been fucking him for years, but always with condoms. This time I wanted to something different at my birthday night. I'm not regretted.
  4. Sorry guys, party cancelled due to some personal reason.
  5. Well, this is a bareback site. What you guys want to get on here? I am not saying guys should chase HIV virus, but as long as we all do bareback, we all might become POZ someday. So why be so mean to him?
  6. As a bareback fan, I know it is risky to get HIV. Well I try hard to not to become POZ. I only fuck with some trusted guys. I don't understand why some people want to become POZ actively? Can anyone explain it to me? Or someone who chased bugs not became POZ can share his stories and thoughts?
  7. I know a guy who is btm. He said he takes cum at bathhouses. But he is still NEG. Is it possible?
  8. Why some people want to become POZ?
  9. I just read this topic: http://www.thebody.com/content/art49400.html Some guys say it is not infectious if a POZ guy is undetected. Does it mean if I am NEG, and I top an undetected POZ btm, I will be safe? I am NEG, but I love bareback. What a dilema? I wonder what other guys like me will choose to do?
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