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ultima6bb last won the day on August 25 2023

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About ultima6bb

  • Birthday 03/04/1967

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    nude shaved cruising only in cap, sneaks and cockring, pp

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  1. I like cruising outdoor in my region and accept any cock
  2. beeing the poppers pig is always the best
  3. i always prefer anonymous loads while cruising outdoor at sveral places around my city or in holidays in the bushes behind the beach. When weather is good at home i go outside to the known cruisingareas and in most cases there are some guys looking for fun. For holidays i generally put some adverts some days ago in the known pages then got there cruising around checking situation and decide to walk around or stay on on a nice place and wait. Last time i did so and a nice older man was around very reserved but obviously interested so i touched him, start wanking him and sucking his cock and finally he tuns me around and fucked me. in this moment 2 others, who obviously read the advert joint the place and entered the action, drop there pants sucked my cock and bend me over letting suck their cocks to. i noticed that they all doing some poppers so i grab mine too and we swap the bottles deep inhaling cotinue sucking and fucking until they unload in me. finally a good bye and a kiss and i was lucky.
  4. most of the time i prefer guy with "bare" or "lets discuss" but even some guy who state "safe only" later stick bare in me so these terms are not so important. in any case i greate my hole with vaseline so anyway a condom breaks after a while
  5. just back from vacancies in croatia. gave my load with fresh poppers in a good friend in his appartment and got two load from a guy met in grindr
  6. i never ask, i take the load and enjoy
  7. indeed, i know the term and use it sometimes to make the active fucker hot, especially when knwo he is bi/married
  8. i am bottom, but inbetween i also learned to swallow
  9. i dont make any difference between ages, but experience says: the younger the more complicated and often more bottom like me, the older the more experienced and knowing what they want
  10. like myself completely shaved, but i accept that some others like hair
  11. like to go there in some places cruising (Hölzersee, Mönchsbrunnen, TV-Tower) when weather is warm usually nude shaved only wearing cap and sneaker and some PP bottles open for getting loads. if someone is interessted we can arrange a time in the evening.
  12. last week in my croation holiday trip i was sucessful seeded on beach by 4 guys in 4 days in bushes behind beach. i all met them while cruising there and after eye contact i followed them, sucked them hard and turned around and they all shot deep inside and made me lucky.
  13. The last time i bought condoms where around 2010 or earlier. since this time i never took any condoms for cruising.
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