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stevetmq last won the day on April 20 2016

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  1. I read your post How does a pos feel about seeding a neg ass bottom.  I am a bottom and reading that and the replies no one answered your question.  I take care of myself and am honest to my partner and I expect respect and honesty. I love Bareback but I am careful

    1. stevetmq


      Your right my question was not answered but OK it often happens.   I asked the question because I both bottom and Top. As a bottom I want a Top that dose not give a shit about me and just get's off on fucking.  As a Top I wanted to know if it was OK/Normail to feel like that.  I have a partner and we have come to the point where if I want to fuck I just do it and he has no say and I like to fuck him as if he is just nothing A warm hole to cum in.


    2. captain


      I have a regular top almost like that but I know he is clean and seeing your reply I questioned him how would he feel if he was positive and seeded a negative bottom and never said a thing He said he would never think of doing such a thing

  2. dose the acidity also not kill the bug?
  3. I agree receiving the seed of a poz top knowing that he is poz
  4. I like your thinking, but it dose not really answer the question; What do you get/feel from seeding a neg ass? You just enjoy sex or you like sharing or you want to get your own back? As a bottom sometimes I don't want to know but sometimes I want feel abused and it is good to be with a guy who wants to seed my ass because he likes being a cunt.
  5. I top sometimes and my bottom likes it like this but his ass is tight and it's painful for me to fuck without any lube so I end up using a little spit. It should hurt but not damage the bottom and never be painful for the top.
  6. First sorry about the spelling I am dyslex....... I am not new to sex but I am new to bareback with men who are not my partner. Only two times have I been fucked bareback by a man I invited to see me he turned up and we got right down to having fun and both times it ended with him fucking me bareback getting drest and leaving. Both times we did not talk much I never asked him if he was POZ. After both times I thought "shit I'v just let someone I don't know fuck and come in me what if he was POZ" both times I though this for about two days but never got tested. That was five years back and as far as I know I am still NEG but may be not. As a versital bottom submiseve I don't let any/every one I meat for sex fuck me but if the Man is a True Top then I will submit to him because that is how he will make me feel. If I let a guy fuck then he will be a Top and there is no way I could stop him or would stop him doing what he wanted to me. I would not nor do I feel I have any right to ask him to pull out his pre-cum is all ready in me. Once I submit to a man he has the rights over how I am used by him.
  7. Hi there, I'm NEG and would like to respectfully ask POZ guys what they think about when there going to BB a NEG guy? Is it that you want to make a NEG guy POZ to make some sort of brotherhood or some sort of revenge or get some sort of sadistic high? It would be nice to get some insight on this. As a NEG who like bareback but not a bug chaser I try and find guys I can trust even though I know there's a chance of getting converted. I have just meat someone online and I am open to almost any thing even swallowing his seed, but he is POZ and keen to seed my ass. He wont say why he's so keen.
  8. At first I don't like it to hurt BUT if the TOP likes to hurt me than I like that and end up wanting more. .
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