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fuckmeraw33 last won the day on November 23 2017

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  1. Still looking for heavy loads of cum so to get pozzed. This is my wish. 

  2. I 've been fuck for the first at the age of 17 without condom...It's the same since and I never counted the loads cuming in...
  3. How did the saline turn out. Yoy have pictures? Please share. Gashauler21977@gmail.com

    1. fuckmeraw33



      I'll send you some photos. But these are not thr best ones. they show my balls sack with onlt one and a half litre of saline. Most of the time I go up to 3 litres. I 'll fill my scrotum in a few days or so and this time I hope I can put in 3 litres and more...

  4. Why asking? It's so much better not to know the status of my fuckers
  5. I never push. I keep the cum inside as long as I can.
  6. My choice to become poz is just personnal. Really fed up with asking my fuckers status, taking care and so on. Wish to be freely filled with any cum.
  7. I don't ask my fucker's status.
  8. 1/ For me it's really impotant to be filled witrh cum 2/ I try to keep cum inside as long as I can. 3/ I consider my bak hole as a cum vat. 4/ I don't care about my dick. It's now useless except pissing 5/ Fucked at 17 yo fot the first time.No condom at that time and still no condom. 6/ I accept piss in my hole. No need to know who is inside! 7/ Blindfolded or not does not matter as long as I get fuck et full of cum. 8/ My hole is a vat to be filled with cum 9/ No. 10/ Don't cum on my back, always inside
  9. Yeah, I need to be bred. Wish to meat a real gifter. Why? It's my own wish.
  10. In France I get the necessary saline and tools at the local pharmacy without prescription. In other countries can't say if you need prescription ! Well I restarted (after a long time without) my filling of saline with 50cl. All is OK. Nice big scrotom, no pain at all. Will do better today with 100cl. Photos on request. Send mail.Thks
  11. Went to the pharmacy. Tools ready for tuesday
  12. Anon loads are for me the best to take. Don't say don't talk. Fucker do his job. Next please.
  13. The fucker decides which position he wants me to have. personnaly I prefer doggy style. Soemtimes on my back so I can see the face of my fucker. My legs beng around himso he does not pull out.
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