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Everything posted by creamygood

  1. LOL. If somebody says that they are anti-vax and won't fuck anyone that has been vaxed, and I think I have a chance with them, fuck it, I'm going in and will fake my status. How with they know I've been vaxed? They can't ask to see your 'non-vax card'. Why is the world so full of idiots?
  2. I don't have an age preference. For me, if it i long enough and hard enough to fuck then I'm good to go. usually.
  3. Sometimes B/R is just to get rid of debts so the business can continue. Sometimes it is to disperse the assets and close down.
  4. I'm gonna add a bit of snark here, but who would have imagined that so many members of a forum called bareback.com would prefer bareback? It's like going to a foodie forum and asking if the members like food or to cook! Sorry. I haven't finished my coffee. I'll be better in a few.
  5. The problem we will face in the US is the anti-vaccine crowd, the hoaxers, and the liberty folks that will say it limits their freedom. The vaccine, if viable, will only slow it down. We don't know how long it remains effective in our system, so it could come back. On top of that, viruses mutate and it could trigger another wave. Also new viruses pop up all the time. Why weren't we warned about this in all the dystopian future sci-fi flicks?
  6. Mango Mussolini is refusing to concede. His team has filed law suits in nearly, if not all, the states. So far most have been batted down by judges. And hilariously, some of their attorneys got in a tight spot. They filed these suits but ethics rules require candor to the court at all times and when the judge asked them if they had evidence of actual fraud, they had to decide whether to lie and lose their license to practice law or admit they had none. Which opens another ethics violation in the prohibition of knowingly filing frivolous suits. In regards to vote count, Biden won by a huge margin in the popular vote. And by a sizable margin in the electoral college. In certain swing states the margin of difference between tRump and Biden was less than 1%. State law in some kicks in and a mandatory recount is done (and in the process). Dump's teams have filed suits in several other states with a larger margin, asking for recounts there too. The margins there are too big to overcome. Unreliable fake news and Russian troll farms keep posting about 'found' ballots, etc. but none of that has been verified and is just to get the Cult 45 up in arms. I believe that certain people in power would like to see a lot of violence in the streets so that the president can declare martial law, suspend the constitution, declare the election invalid, seat himself as president for life. That part is just a hunch.
  7. Personally, if you are undetectable and they know you are Poz and want to be bred, do it. They think they are going to get the bug and you are getting laid. It's like a woman that wants a baby but picks a guy that's been snipped - it ain't gonna happed, but it is fun trying. Don't ask, don't tell.
  8. Depends. I have lots of fantasies. Gang bang is common, so not weird. I read a lot of erotic literature and some really weird stuff gets me hard when reading it because of the way it is written. But I know the reality of many of those scenarios is not going to be as hot as the fantasy. I know the taboo nature of fantasy is what makes it hot and that it is all in your mind. And we have all seen those weird porn vids that make us hard as fuck, but if we know if we were the person in that vid we would be shouting our safe word at the top of our lungs. So I'm going to digress in expressing my fantasies here because they are many and varied and I want to keep them in my head where they belong.
  9. My go-to toy is a Dick Rambone, but I also love my large Goose.
  10. His sycophant Postmaster General pulled mail boxes and sorting machines to slow down and kill the USPS - a goal of the conservatives for years, even though our constitution created it and mandates it. Why? They think it is creeping socialism. So are we going make all the streets pay-to-use? What about municipal water and sewer, are we making them 'for profit' too?
  11. If we have a regular election or if there is interference again? Putin's Puppet will do anything to win. I bet he'd suck cock to win.
  12. Imagine someone coming up to you with a bowl of 100 jelly beans and said 'eat as many as you want, but one is poison and will kill you'. Would you take one or more? Not me.
  13. I've been fucked at the Strand several times, always with an audience. A couple of times the red haired clerk walked by just to get a peek, I guess. Once I was in a crowd and I was bent over sucking a guy hoping someone would come up and spit roast me. Instead, a guy started fingering my ass. He started with one finger and kept adding more as I loosened up. Then, oops! he got his hand in me. At that time I couldn't concentrate on the cock in my mouth. He twisted his hand around hitting my prostate until I came hard. I had only had a smaller woman's hand in me up to that time. I was surprised, to say the least. It's amazing what you can do when you are turned on like that.
  14. I put an ad there that said I was going to be at an ABS on a certain day looking for fun. This was early last year. It got busy, but I can't say it was from the ad or just an abnormal day.
  15. Envious.
  16. They claim... but it is summer in Australia. Didn't stop COVID-19 there. I think it is lower there because when it is cold out, people stay inside and transmit it. Cases are lower down there because they spend more time outside doing social activities. Studies indicate that the virus can live up to two weeks on a surface. But UV light kills it, so it would make sense that it wouldn't survive as long outside as in. It would make sense that countries in the Northern Hemisphere will see a dip as it warms and people do social activities outdoors. But if the Spanish Flu is any indication, it will see a resurgence this fall as people move indoors more.
  17. I'm planning on staying alone until it is OVER. There are reports that areas that the restrictions were lifted have had surges of new cases. When they have a decent treatment/cure/vaccine or whatever, I'll fuck myself with toys. I'm not dying to get some dick in me.
  18. I used to live in KC and make regular trips there to visit family. I used to hit the GHs at Erotic City back in the day. Now I stop in at The Strand or Moonlight Boutique to see if I can get action. Got to town late one Friday and stopped at the Strand. Went upstairs to the gay theater and found 5 young black men having an orgy of sorts. I stripped naked and stood near while stroking but wasn't invited to join. Sadly. I've heard Bazooka's is ok, but I don't stop there often.
  19. I would rather squirt it into my palm and eat it than let it drip out and go to waste.
  20. I've closed down my ass until a vaccine comes out. Sure, it only kills 4-5% (world-wide), and some may not show symptoms. But many get gravely ill with time spent in the ICU or perhaps just feeling like death warmed over. And more than the risk to myself, I couldn't live with myself if I brought it home to my loved ones and they died because I needed a butt load of jizz. I can be selfish, but not that selfish. I just read an article that researchers there have found it has mutated. They have found almost 40 mutations. Some are less virulent and some are worse. Much worse. These mutations will make it difficult to develop an effective vaccine. My advice: If you need a cock in your ass, use a toy. If you need to fuck an ass, use a fleshlight or something. Stay safe everyone.
  21. I have the prescription. This pharmacist is taking it for prevention as she deals with the public, as are many health officials. I was advised not to take it unless I developed symptoms. While China said they have has positive results, France said their use of it didn't show measurable results. Dr. Fauci has indicated that they aren't recommending it until trials are completed. Negative comments to follow this 'nonsense', I'm sure. And without supporting evidence to disprove what I've said. A quick google search will verify. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/06/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-malaria-drug.html Trump is pushing it because he has investments in the company that manufactures it. Everything he says and does is based on whether it will make money for him, his family, or his wealthy friends, or if he wants to say bad things about somebody.
  22. Haters gonna hate. You are the one that trolled my post. And the research has backed up what I said. I don't see how posting advice to fellow BBers is trolling. Just because I didn't put up with your bad attitude doesn't mean I'm a troll. In fact, it makes you the troll (projecting). I posted facts and you didn't post any facts or links to contradict what I said but just demeaned my post. This is the very definition of troll. And as I do with other trolls across the internet, at some point I just ignore them, and so I will with you. Have a nice day.
  23. Note to self: Plan trip to Dallas area to sample Hard8stud's cock. It's only a 6 hour drive.
  24. What I said was is that a friend who is a pharmacist got me some medication that is supposed to lessen the effects of it. It is Hydroxychloroquine. In medical journals from China "has demonstrated "apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia" in trials. I'm not the one that started the pissing match. I was trying to be helpful and let everybody know options, not spread fake news. Now that it has been several days, this medication is being hoarded all over the world. Too late to help the haters I guess. So much for being the good samaritan.
  25. You didn't read my post very well. I mentioned that my friend is 100 miles away and I have to go there to pick up the medication this weekend. It is my intent to post it when I get it. What is your problem? Seriously. Go be a nasty troll somewhere else.
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