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tnbiohazard last won the day on November 1 2024

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About tnbiohazard

  • Birthday 04/08/1969

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    Nashville, TN
  • Interests
    Anything except scat, snot and vomit.

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  1. Sure wish we weren't so far apart.  I would love to get together and enjoy each other's bodies.  I would love to take EVERYTHING that comes out of your cock in both my mouth and my asspussy.

  2. Bottoms should always put out for a top, even on the first date. That's my opinion. Being vers. I'll always let any guy fuck my ass, right from the start. I love the loads. As a top, I'd be frustrated and feel a bit put off, if a guy didn't put out.
  3. Just got a new toy, the Dick Rambone. (Pic. below not me) It's great. I've gotten it half way in, and am looking forward to getting the rest of it fully in my ass. Has anyone else used this dildo, and if so, what was your opinion? There's also lot's of video's on this toy, if you're interested in googling and seeing guys using it.
  4. I have read a few things you have written and I just want to say thanks and seeing how active you are

  5. thanks for the comment, yes, it -bb- can be fulFilIing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. captain


      I was only saying how I feel when a man is in me Anyway by the time we are done all of our clothes are off

    3. cajuncock


      not many tops on here, I check mainly for the parties in my area o places I'm going to visit. Am a bit of a size queen though, want to feel the man inside me and know I've satisfied him.

    4. captain


      I am the same I want my top satisfied first.  But I do not know the answer where are the tops

  6. Yes, you're right, the chances are extremely low that anyone should get HIV if they take Prep on a daily basis. That said, will you guarantee 100% that someone won't get HIV if they're on PreP? That is the point I'm making in my post. Yes, the chances are so low that "I" would use PreP if I was neg. to avoid getting HIV, WITH the knowledge that it's not a 100% guarantee. There are guys who want to use a condom if YOU give them a blow job, to make certain that they can't get anything from your mouth. I would say the chances of that are extremely low, but those guys who want 100% guarantee should realize that there are no 100% guarantee's unless you abstain from sex. That's where the RISK FACTOR comes in. If you're looking for an almost fail proof guarantee, PreP is a good idea. If you're looking for the "If I get HIV though I've used this method, someone will pay all my medical bills and make life back to normal" guarantee, then abstinence is you're best method. It's what the individual is willing to take for a risk that matters. Before I was poz, I chose to not use a condom all the time, and that was before Prep was even thought of. That was MY choice of RISK that I wanted to take. That said, I could say "Why use PreP?" Well, that was MY choice of risk factor I would take. So again, the risk factor is something like 99.999% guarantee that you're protected if you use the medications every day, and IF you have the ability to pay for it (My husbands is paid for by our insurance). But for 100% guarantee, you need to abstain. For good information on this, check out CDC.gov, the US Center for Disease Control. They have a lot of info. on risk factors with different forms of protection, compared to none.
  7. If you were in the Nashville area, I'd take that ass of yours every chance I could.
  8. Hope it was a fun night, fellow pig.
  9. If I was closer and was a twink, I'd bb you bud.
  10. I heard it said once, "Don't be a douche, douche! lol
  11. I'd have told him I'd hold him to that, and that he had to bring me back and do the whole night over, with out his friend, and let it last for the weekend.
  12. I've had an experience in a bath house where a friend of mine used a toy of his on my ass, while the door was open. He'd let guys come in and play with my ass as they wished, which included lot's of fucking and cum.
  13. Always great to have a couple marine body guards, esp. if they're gay...or on the dl.
  14. You're cute bud. Would love to flip fuck you if you were in Nashville.
  15. Yes, the meds do slow down the progression. In fact, if the meds are used right, you can live a normal life, and die of something other than HIV. Don't get me wrong, there are still chances that it will get worse for some, but the average life expectancy of a young man getting hiv at 18-20y/o is to live until he's 69y./o. Average life expectancy for a non-hiv man in the US is 79y/o. So the disease IS manageable. I say this so that people with HIV don't get discouraged. As for those who are negative, know your risks. I will never tell anyone else what to do. I know guys who want HIV, and those who want NO chance of getting it. Even though studies have shown no transmission from an undetectable poz guy to a neg. guy, and if you couple that with a condom you are 99.999% unlikely to get HIV, BUT.... Yes, I said But. If you want NO chance of getting HIV, then abstain from sex all together. Just sit at home and wank. Extreme you might say? Yes, but it's the 100% guaranteed way of not getting HIV. Even sex with a woman with a condom might get you the disease. So what are you to do? Know the risks, and know what risks you're willing to take. If you don't want any chance, then certainly refuse to have sex with anyone who's POZ. It's a choice. You don't have to get on prep and hope not to get it. (Yes, there have been cases of guys getting HIV while on Prep, though limited and poss. due to wrong use of the meds.) Just like any other choices in sex, have sex with a 500 pound guy, or not, have sex with a guy with no meat on his bones or not, have sex with blondes, or not, have sex with other men, or women, or both.....They're ALL choices you make, depending on what you want. Yes, I know what it's like to be turned down by someone and feel unwanted, but it's still your choice. If you don't want any risk, then don't have sex with someone who's poz. If you don't mind some risk, then go for it, up to the point of risk you want to take. That means if you want a condom, then insist on it. I don't like sex with condoms, but it's YOUR choice, not his. Talk about it with the guy, and who knows, maybe he'll convince you to change your mind, but in the end, it's still your choice. And if you do become poz, then you know it was only your choice, just like the guy who get's passed around a room getting used by anyone with out insisting on a condom....it's their choice, and they have to live with that.
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