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BBAdmin last won the day on December 9 2022

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  1. Looking for moderators that have been a member here for several years and willing to help the site and the forum grow. Reach out to me at: badboysclub@gmail.com if interested.
  2. I use only Mac. I uploaded 5 photos and tested on the latest version of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. I also test on Windows (Parallels) Firefox and Edge. I use Firefox regularly. I did not test on phone or devices as I know there are often issues there as thus why we are working on a complete rebuild.
  3. There have been many profile photos uploads and I tested with 5 different ones and it all worked. What browser and version are you using and on what device?
  4. We have upgraded the code to php 8. Please let me know if any issues with any area. As we work on a rebuild of the site, this was our first step.
  5. The site should be working in most areas. There is code that can't be upgraded until we put a new php on the server. That would cause many issues. So, it was decided that we would start working on a totally new code. If there are current issues, let me know.
  6. Thanks for the input. We are working on the issues and a redesigned site. This one was build on old code that is often not upgradeable and we need to use a different version of php. It is supposed to be done by Feb 2023. My apologies for glitches.
  7. We do not delete accounts of active members. However, if anyone that has access to your account and hits the delete profile button, the forum log in is also deleted. Once a profile is deleted, there is no way to retrieve it. If you have any issues, email me at badboysclub@gmail.com and I'll try to assist.
  8. Sorry, the bareback forums were down for 2 days. The forum software was updated and the auto login did not work. We have removed it and are working on a fix. You will need to log in from the forums to access them for now. Thanks for your patience.
  9. Sexy man!
  10. I could not find it on another site. You make an accusation based on a hunch. Prove it or retract your statement.
  11. At member's request, we have added a forum for cruising spots. If you know of a cruising spot, list it here. Put the title of the place, location (including city) in the title. Then, tell us about it.
  12. On my back with a nice dick pounding inside.
  13. This is a fun place in Bangkok that has been around for ages. It is a bit dark but not scary at all. There is a mixture of different types of guys. Some are money boys and some are not. Lots can and does happen. During the CoVid, it is closed. But, went in January and had a blast. https://www.google.ca/maps/place/13°47'33.7"N+100°32'55.0"E/@13.7926862,100.5469184,17.36z/
  14. https://barebackvideo.com/
  15. No worries. I upgraded for you. Log off and back in and you are set.
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