The first time was at a convention and we were in a hotel. No handheld. He set up a camera to film him fucking me. It was his fetish. As often as guys would allow he would vid his fucking. I only saw parts of it after the fact and didn't get a copy. (don't like seeing myself in any type pic or vid.)
I was involved in an amateur bear porn film about 15 years ago. No idea where the film is. They did a watersports finale but unfortunately at that time I didn't want to be associated with that in a video. I did get to see it. It got an e for effort but it was fun doing. Still hating to see myself on vids but it's hot and horny to know other people got to see it and knowing I'm a forever slut.
Generally if not in a public space that forbids photos, (Grrrrr) guys generally like to take pics while fucking. Probably bedpost notchers. For me I'd run out of bedpost.